Saturday, July 24, 2010


Ok so I am here in Petrozavodsk. This is the tough week of ministry. The church planter that we are working with has decided to leave the area. This is sad sad news. Julian is an amazing man of God and a great leader. Remember that Petro is one of the toughest places to evangalize in all of Russia. That is why we are here. Praise God for the challenge and Praise God for all the work that will be done in his name this week. Keep us in your prayers and on your thoughts. We traveled 15 hours from pskov to get here and now we have church in like an hour. I am very tired but God gives me strength to move on.

Praise he who is holy, the king of kings, the I am. God protect us this week and use us here as your tools to do your work! Slava Bogu! Praise God!

Prayer Request:
Petro is one of the hardest places to evangelise pray that we can be used this week.

Pray for more energy. We are very tired!

Pray for Julian and his family (the church planter) he is leaving but doesnt know where to yet.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. God Bless! Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the updates Dustin, you are doing such a great thing! More prayers headed your way!
